Compare the relative performance of two stocks.I can give you a six-word formula for success: Think things through - then follow through. - Edward Vermon (Eddie) Rickenbacker
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Stock Comparer

Compare the relative performance of two stocks.

Have you ever wanted to compare two or more stocks to see which were performing better over the last 5 days, 10 days, 20 days, 40 trading days (eight weeks?)

If so then this is the tool for you. Simply type in the ticker symbols and gratis of yahoo stock data services, voila.

The results are calculated from the perspective of the last price vs the average price. So a -10 percent means that the stock is currently trading for 10 percent less than it's average price over the specified period.

The average entry is a special calculation that takes weighs the more recent 5 days much more heavily than the 20 or 40 days based on price. Play with it, it may or may not be useful.




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